Drag and drop a WebP image file here to convert to PNG, or click the button below to select a file:

Steps to convert:

  1. Drop your WebP image file into the designated area or click the “Select WebP File” button to choose a file from your device.
  2. Wait for the system to convert the file to PNG, which takes a few seconds depending on the file size and your device’s speed.
  3. The system displays the converted image on the page once the conversion is complete.
  4. Click the “Download PNG” button to save the file to your device.
  5. Repeat these steps to convert another WebPimage to PNG.

Why convert webp to png?

  • WebP is a new image format with limited browser and editor support. Convert WebP to PNG for better compatibility.
  • WebP uses lossy compression that reduces image data and quality. PNG uses lossless compression, preserving image data and quality.
  • PNG is more reliable for transparent images than WebP because transparency can be unpredictable in WebP. Converting WebP to PNG ensures compatibility, quality, and transparency for your images across different software.

In summary, for optimal image quality and compatibility with various software, convert WebP images to PNG.

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they are two popular image formats used on the web. WebPimage is a relatively new format developed by Google, and PNGimages has been around since the 90s. WebP images are smaller in size than PNGimages, making them faster to load on websites. However, WebPimages is not yet supported by all web browsers and image editors, while PNG is widely supported. Additionally, WebPimages uses lossy compression, which can result in a loss of image quality, while PNG uses lossless compression that preserves the image data without sacrificing quality. Overall, it’s important to consider compatibility and image quality when choosing between WebPimages and PNGimages.